With the success of the recent Plant Market, Coral and Christine followed up with a Christmas Market at Mountain View.

Things were a bit ‘Frosty’ during set-up, but Jerry, Neila and Coral sorted it out. With Frosty’s help they set up the tables and moved bucket-loads of plants in, ready to sell.
Our crew are a talented lot, so they needed a lot of tables.

And on the day, all the work in setting up the room paid off.
Mountain View Talent

Susan always does a great job selling raffle tickets but this year she has an additional job – making sure we all sign in. Ah, how COVID has changed things.

Bev was busy on her stall of quirky things – everything from scrunchies to socks.
Ivy and Susan admired the shrug Wendy bought for her granddaughter (beautifully hand-made by Helen).

Malcolm knows all about frames and framing.

Our very talented resident, Jack, creates beautiful artwork.

Helen is always ready to lend a hand whenever anything is happening in the village – well – unless there is football on at the same time.
When the Geelong Cats are playing, you’ll find Helen tucked up in front of the TV watching them play.

Our new resident, Helen, with the fabulous crocheted and knitted items she has made.

Julia sold out of quilts pretty fast, and lots of lucky people will be getting beautiful quilts this Christmas. Caz and Christine took a break to admire the beautiful quilts and crocheted rugs made by Julia.

Margaret took care of the gift wrapping, and Bev rewarded her with a well-earned shoulder massage.
The Coral and Christine Team did it again!
A huge thank you to Coral and Christine for their effort in organising the day, and to all who participated, either selling or buying.
A great team effort ensured the success of the day, especially the $500 raised for Charity.