The Exciting World of Being Published!

We’ve done it!

Our Mountain View Anthology is now live on Amazon for pre-order (Kindle version only at the moment – but print copy will be available soon).

Last year Mary, Wendy and I asked residents to send us their stories for the inaugural volume of our anthology.

And yes, we may have underestimated how much work is needed to edit, type and format those contributions, but we’ve finally arrived.

We were ambitious enough to think we’d have the book all done by Christmas, but that certainly didn’t happen. So here we are mid-2021, and we are now live on Amazon.

Having never published an e-book before, it has been a very steep learning curve. Trust me, Volume Two will be a lot quicker and easier.

Having said that, we are now looking for stories and poems for Volume Two from the residents of Aveo Mountain View, so sharpen up those pencils and start writing.

Send your contributions to:

Or drop them into the Office.

I know you’ll love reading our collection of poems and stories as much as we have.

We all have a story to tell, and we want to hear yours.

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Born in Sydney - retired in Mountain View Murwillumbah, after teaching Special Education for more years than I can remember in NSW and Qld. My goal is to figure out the finer points of putting together a functional website and to write blogs that people want to read. Oh, and to travel the world, and share the beauty of the beautiful place I now call home.

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