Here at Mountain View we are always thinking of: new things to do; places to go; people to meet. Our Social Committee organises most activities, but residents come up with ideas as well. That’s how the upcoming road trip to Tenterfield came about.

Lock in the 28th May, Eddie!
A couple of months ago, Wendy and I started tossing ideas around for an overnight trip for Mountain View residents. And since Tenterfield had been on my mind for a while, it seemed like a good a place for our inaugural overnight-er.
Dulcie, on behalf of the Social Committee, joined us in the planning. And with seemingly little effort, we are all set to take off on the 28th May.
- the bus is available
- we have enough willing travellers to (almost) fill the bus
- Desley has volunteered to drive
- accommodation is booked
- meals are sorted
- and we are working on the itinerary
Tenterfield – here we come!
Tenterfield, besides being a beautiful place to visit, is a significant part of our Australian history. On the 24th October 1889, Sir Henry Parkes delivered the Federation Speech, (Tenterfield Oration) right there in Tenterfield.
I believe that the time has come, and if two Governments set an example, the others must soon of necessity follow. There will be an uprising in this fair land of a goodly fabric of free Government, and all great national questions of magnitude affecting the welfare of the colonies will be disposed of by a fully authorised constitutional authority. This means a distinct executive and a distinct parliamentary power for the whole of Australia, and it means a Parliament of two Houses, a House of Commons and a Senate, which will legislate on these great subjects.
Sir Henry Parkes (Federation Speech 1889)
So, the Sir Henry Parkes School of Arts Cafe will be our first port of call. Having lunch in the building in which the Father of Federation once stood, will be a great introduction to Tenterfield.

In a more modern context, Tenterfield was showcased to the world in the words of Peter Allen’s song – ‘The Tenterfield Saddler’. Peter’s Grandfather, George Woolnough, once plied his trade in the building that had housed many Saddlers before him. A visit to the old Saddlery will feature prominently on our itinerary.
On the subject of Peter Allen, where better to stay in Tenterfield than the Peter Allen Motor Inn. A few emails and a phone call to Luke, and our accommodation was in the bag. Luke was so accommodating that he even helped us decide on the best place for dinner.
The History Trail on our Road Trip to Tenterfield
Some of our travellers are keen gardeners, so a visit to Tenterfield wouldn’t be complete without seeing the old Cork Tree. The seeds for the cork tree came to Australia in a jam tin, in the very early days of our settlement (1861). The seeds grew and the tree is reportedly one of the largest cork trees in the country. Who would have thought that cork grows on trees? And it is still growing, Just as well we didn’t have Border Force back then, or Edward Parker would have been paying a hefty fine for bringing in plant material. Next time you pop the cork of your favourite bubbly, spare a thought for the cork tree, from whence the stopper comes.
We’ll be visiting Stannum House – or at least looking at it from the outside. The spiral staircase might be a bit daunting for some of our travellers. Built more than three-hundred years ago, the beautiful Stannum House still stands tall and proud. Past visitors of Stannum House include: Banjo Paterson; Dame Nellie Melba; and of course, Sir Henry Parkes. Their spirits live on. There is a lot of history wrapped up in the New England city of Tenterfield.
…. Australia has now a population of three and a half millions, and the American people numbered only between three and four millions when they formed the great Commonwealth of the United States. The numbers are about the same. Surely what the Americans have done by war, Australians can bring about in peace.
Sir Henry Parkes (from the Tenterfield Oration 1889)

From historical buildings to beautiful scenery, Tenterfield has it all.
Our road trip to Tenterfield is quickly moving from the planning stage to the ‘Are we there yet?’.