The Washing Is Still In The Machine!

I’m sitting on my verandah listening to the sounds of life around me, while the washing is still in the machine waiting to be pegged on the line.

I can’t tear myself away from the absolute bliss of living in Mountain View.

There is the sound of water soaking the garden below me as Joan tends the flowers that frame her unit.

Dot is engaged in a phone-conversation with her family.

Nancy called out to Jerry and thanked him for the garden items he gave her that she cooked for dinner last night.

Laughter rings out as neighbours meet and greet each other.

These are the sounds of life at Mountain View.

There is so much happiness here.

And there are so many residents who are more than willing to help those in need, whether it be a cup of flour or a shoulder to cry on; we are here for each other.

This is why Mountain View is paradise to all of us (well, almost all of us – there are a few people who would rather be somewhere else).

And that is why the washing is still in the machine, because I would rather be here on the verandah, listening to the happiness around me.

Have a great day here in Paradise, at Mountain View!!

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Born in Sydney - retired in Mountain View Murwillumbah, after teaching Special Education for more years than I can remember in NSW and Qld. My goal is to figure out the finer points of putting together a functional website and to write blogs that people want to read. Oh, and to travel the world, and share the beauty of the beautiful place I now call home.

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