Travel Bug


There are people in the village who have been infected by the travel bug and have developed a bad case of ‘travellitis’, which unfortunately is highly contagious. If you meet any ‘travellers’, keep your distance unless you are prepared to jump on a train, plane or ship and join them on their jaunt across the country or globe.

The following pages will be open to sufferers of the dreaded ‘travellitis’ to share their memoirs, albeit briefly, and tell us where they’ve been, and where they’d like to go. And for non-sufferers, thanks, but we probably won’t need your help in telling us ‘where to go!’

Travel suggestions will be greatly appreciated, especially from the well-seasoned caravaners and cruisers. I’m guessing there are more than a few of us who are ‘single-travellers’ and need advice on negotiating the planet on our own.

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