Mountain View Writers Group

Mountain View Writers Group

Aim: To nurture and inspire the writer in each of us

Where we Write Alone – Together



  • Write, Edit, Publish
  • Listen
  • Encourage
  • Share information
  • Give positive feedback


  • There is no leader – but we will have a Leadership Team
  • We may appoint – or self-nominate as facilitators, but no one person owns the group
  • Decisions will be made by the group for the benefit of all
  • We will not criticise or use hurtful language – EVER!
  • We will offer feedback if asked, but we will be gentle and remember that behind each written word is a beating heart, of the human variety
  • Remember the general guidelines for feedback:
    • give feedback in the manner you would like others to give you feedback
    • give feedback on the writing – not the person
    • offer a positive comment – what you liked about the writing
    • follow with a suggestion for improvement (in your opinion – and it is only your opinion. Others might not agree)
    • finish with a positive comment
    • each one of us is brave enough to put our writing out there to be scrutinised – So Be Gentle!

Toastmasters has trained millions of people to speak confidently in public. This is how they suggest feedback should be given: And since writing is a form of communication, the guidelines apply to both.