When I retired in April 2016, I made a commitment to keep learning – to keep the old brain-cogs turning. As the old adage goes “If you don’t use it, you’ll lost it!”. And there is enough research to suggest there’s a lot of truth in that saying. So why am I excited about WordCamp?
What is WordCamp?

WordCamp is a weekend of learning – about all things WordPress and websites.
WordCamp Brisbane is an event I start looking forward to, the day after the previous one ends.
Maureen Durney
Towards the end of 2015, in preparation for retirement, I decided to build a website. My son, who is a busy website developer, assured me it was so easy anyone could do it.
He was right!
I wanted a blog website – before I even knew what a blog was. Everyone was talking about blogs – and it seemed that everyone had a blog. I wanted one, too.
It was so easy!
WordPress guides you every step of the way.
Will that be .com or .org?
My first website is Havandra.wordpress.com, and it was built on the WordPress.com platform. This is where I recommend any new website builder should start. The .com version of WordPress allows you to build a site without putting your hand in your pocket – ever! That’s what I love about WordPress!

Trust me, I had no idea what I was doing when I started the site, but it was so easy. I made up the name ‘Havandra’, but I’ve since found out it is a Malagasy word meaning ‘hail’ – as in the weather phenomenon – ‘hail’. Perhaps I should have Googled it first… but I still like the name.
The big difference between the two sites is in the address of your website. The .com (free) version adds .wordpress.com to the name of your site -(havandra.wordpress.com).
The .org version gives you an easier address (MountainView-Living.com or MaureenDurney.com), but you need to buy your domain name and pay for hosting. Hosting is the part that puts your site on the Internet so people can find it. There are inexpensive ways of covering these, but I still think the free version is the best way to get started.

Why am I excited about WordCamp Brisbane 2019?
Because the post-career, retirement learning phase of my life kicks into high gear after two days of WordCamp, learning about WordPress. The rooms are buzzing with enthusiastic website owners and those aspiring to be. The talks cater for beginners and the experienced, and sponsors are standing by to answer questions.
Some of the sponsors from WordCamp Brisbane 2018
There are plenty of opportunities to network with others, make friends for life, and catch up with old friends. Oh, and there’s lots of swag. That’s tech-talk for freebies.
And lots of real Coffee!

So, what does WordCamp 2019 have to do with Mountain View?
Pretty soon we’ll have the Community Centre set up with WiFi and computers. You can have technology lessons, access the Internet, and check your emails. Then we can get you started on building your own website. And by the time WordCamp Brisbane 2020 is announced, you’ll be excited too.
So, what are you waiting for?
If I can figure out how to build a website with WordPress, so can you!